Tuesday, January 27, 2015

EFS 1 Listening- Some Dangerous Animals

This is quite a difficult listening task so you may have to listen to it a few times...

Here is the listening for Some Dangerous Animals on page 138 of the coursebook

Some Dangerous Animals


Friday, January 23, 2015

Have I forgotten anything?

Please let me know if I have forgotten to post anything I promised to post- or if you want answers for any activities in the course booklet...

Just email me

ENIAC Listening and Answers

These are links to the listening and the answers to the activity about ENIAC- the electronic brain, the handout I gave to  EFS1C on Friday afternoon.

Please let me know if there are problems with either the listening or the answers.

This is the listening for first activity. Circle the word you hear.

This is the lecture for the other activities


Apologies for being a little late with this..