Friday, January 24, 2014

Gadgets and Machines- Listening EFS1

This is the listening that we did in class about gadgets and machines..

Pages 98-99 in the course book.

Sun Power- Listening and Reading

Here is the listening for the Sun Power activity I gave out in class.

Here are the answers

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More notes on the assignment- EFS 1- Bibliography.

Your assignment should have at least 3 pages.

page 1- title page
page 2- essay
page 3- bibliography.

The purpose of the bibliography is to tell the reader where you found the information you use in your essay. The reader then can look up the information themselves if they wish to continue your work or check your facts. This is the way research works, people use references and bibliographies to continue research and build information.

How to write a bibliography.

For websites;

Authors Name, (last name first) Name of website, Date, (use n.d if there is no date), name of webpage, viewed (put the date you looked at the site), webpage or website address.

For example; I looked at HAT-archive to find information about Houdini.

Richards, Leann, HAT-History of Australian Theatre, n.d, Houdini, viewed 21/01/14,

If you read my essay you can now find the website where I found the information about Houdini.

Another example- for the wikipedia entry on Barack Obama.

Various authors, Wikipedia, n.d Barack Obama, viewed 21/01/14,

If you've used a book the format is a little different.

Authors name (last name first), date of publication, Name of book, publisher, city.

For example, my book about Houdini.

Richards, Leann. 2006, Houdini's tour of Australia, Ginninderra Press, Charnwood ACT.

That's some basic information about bibliographies. Different teachers and schools will have different ways of writing them, but if you use information from other sources for an assignment you will always have to write a bibliography.

Phrasal Verbs

Some links to phrasal verbs.

200 Common Phrasal Verbs ( This has their meanings)

This is a phrasal verb dictionary with over 3000 phrasal verbs in it. It also has some exercises about phrasal verbs.

Listening Activity- Technology

Here is the listening activity from today about technology.

Technology listening

Here are the answers.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

EFS 1 - Grammar- USED TO


Used to + Infinitive (basic form of the verb) means that something happened regularly or went on for a long time in the past , but no longer happens.

I used to smoke- means that in the past I regularly smoked but now I no longer smoke

The negative form of used to is didn't used to

I didn't used to smoke- but now I do...


- We can use used to and would to talk about repeated actions and events from the past. However we cannot use would to talk about repeated states.

My mother would/used to walk the dog every morning.

My mother used to be a teacher. NOT My mother would be a teacher..

answers to page 47 course book

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

EFS1 grammar- Before- After.

Before or after can be used to link sentences or clauses to make them more interesting.

We can use before/after + verb ing
before/after + a noun
before/after + a clause ( see page 21 in the course book)

Some practice.- These all use before/after + ing


EFS 1 Grammar- FOR - DURING

During tells us about the period when something happens. For tells us how long it continues or lasts:
  • I was ill for three days during my holiday and couldn't go out at all.
  • I'll pop in and see you for a few minutes at some point during the afternoon.
  • I've been working for this company for twenty five years

EFS1 Assignment

The EFS 1 Assignment is an essay between 400-500 words which is due in Week 4.
The topic is a famous person.

A suggested structure for the essay is below and is based on the Ghengis Khan example on pages 19-20 in the course book.

Paragraph 1
Introduction to the person with general information about why they were/are famous.
Paragraph 2
When and where the person was born with some information about their family
Paragraph 3
Some information about their childhood
Paragraph 4
Some more information about their life, for example who they married and if they have children
Paragraph 5
Information about their professional life, their career and their achievements
Paragraph 6
If the person is dead, how and when they died.
Paragraph 7
A conclusion about why the person is famous and why they are remembered.

Here is the complete Ghengis Khan document from today.